
Green Business Development Ltd. played a leading part in a variety of management positions in the following companies:

Automotive Industries Ltd – Multi purpose vehicles assembly, Business diversification consulting.

Israel Electric Corp. (I.E.C), Business Development for a new patented ELMF Cables

Chromagen, Solar thermal energy systems, board member

IDE, desalination technology and BOT operator, Prof. Michal Green, board member

HGII, Construction material distribution, listed in the Tel Aviv stock exchange, Board member and chairman

SDA SpiceSDA, Dehydrated green herbs, Chairman.

ToolgalToolgal, Diamond Cutting tools manufacturer, Chairman

Melta Ltd.Melta, printed circuits manufacturing, listed in the Tel Aviv stock exchange, board member

Samuel Neaman InstituteSamuel Neaman Institute, independent public-policy advanced studies in science and technology research institute , Prof. Michal Green,board member

Espresso BarEspresso Bar, the first espresso bar chain in Israel, business development.

DolavDolav, Large injected molding packaging, board member

Green ChoiceSPISEACO Ltd manufactures a unique line of Organic and Natural herbal seasonings, Board member.

Gezer ShluhotGezer Shluhot is one of the largest producers of quality carrots in Israel, Business Development

Fresco Bio FarmsFresco bio farms pvt. ltd. Indian company specialized in agriculture projects world wide. Israeli agent

Sorvan Radiation Ltd. sterilization solutions using Gamma and Electron Beam (E-Beam) irradiation. Business development

Vintec Knowledge Ltd. Electricity saving solutions. Business development

DE, desalination technology and BOT operator, Prof. Michal Green, board member

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